

Four Favorites Friday: 04.08.2011

1. I'm currently reading this delightful novel for book club. Quite a nice change from the last book we read (Every Last One by Anna Quindlen). An old English man, a cup of tea or two, and all the fun British jargon. I'm in!

2. Fishtail braids! I love these. I'm still learning, but I think they add a little fun and elegance to any outfit. Here’s an easy tutorial (please note the sweet 80’s kid at the bottom). This beautiful blogger also shares my affection for these braids.

3. Date with my grandmas tonight to go see this movie! It features a Colorado girl as the star (yay) and tells the true story of surfer Bethany Hamilton. I'm positive that it's going to be great!

4. Caprese. It just makes my mouth water. The smell of fresh basil is intoxicating. It reminds me of spring and summer (& it's meatless). I will post a recipe next week for a caprese inspired dish! Souvlaki for the Soul has a great recipe for Caprese salad bruschetta if you've never tried it. The Fresh Fridge also has a good one. As Rachel Ray would say, "how good does that look?!"

My grandma gave me her antique wrought iron bed & I had a lot of fun setting it up last night (pictures soon). Had a nice long chat with the Mr. ♥, watched the Orioles win, and slept fabulously.

Happy Friday, all!


  1. I've been looking for a new book to read - maybe I'll give that one a try!

    I love the meatless aspect of Caprese too! I'm a vegetarian. :)

  2. Okay, now I want to try that fishtail braid...not sure if it'll work well on my curls, but I have lots on {non-curly} sisters to practice on! ;)


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