

Weekend Wrap-up

What a wonderful weekend! Since it's Monday, let's relive it, shall we?

On Friday after work I picked up my grandma and we headed out to meet my sister for dinner. Had some time to kill before the movie so we went to *gasp* Starbucks (I know...). My grandma can count the number of times she's been to Starbucks on one hand, so we helped her order a Vanilla Mocha. Delicious! [Aside: does anyone else think the new logo just verifies the fact that SB has a near monopoly on the coffee business??? The mermaid is bigger and badder and they don't even need words... wee bit scary... just sayin']Then went to see Soul Surfer, which was wonderful. I had no idea it would have such Christian overtones, but was pleasantly surprised. Lots of good conversations. My grandma (75 years old) has recently come in contact with her first love (and fallen for him again). It's the most darling story. She, however, will not go visit him because his wife is still living (honorable thing to do, I'd say). The wife has very bad Alzheimer's and "Blackie" is by her side day in and day out despite her not remembering any bit of him. Just hearing the stories makes me feel like she's living inside a movie; her eyes get all misty as she gets lost in the memories. She's a wonderful, wonderful lady. I just love spending time with her! The best way to spend a Friday night for sure.

Saturday, Cass (sister), my mom & I went and got facials. Oh man, they were great. Had a lazy Saturday, and didn't do much else.

Spent Sunday resting, reading, cleaning, and laundering. Visited a friend's new baby. Went to church in the evening and had family dinner out at a local Italian place. I went shopping with my sister afterwards to pick out a purse & bought Hunter a toy, which he demolished within 8 minutes. Dogs will be dogs. Haven't caught up with Griffin (lover boy) yet this weekend, but he had a busy one. His nephew had "bring someone you love to school day" and when asked who he would invite, he said "Uncle Griffin!" ♥ Darling. Can't wait to hear all about it. We have a video chat date this week, so I'm looking forward to that.

Today is a busy one. I'm donating blood this afternoon, and then going to get all my lovely shots to prepare me for South America. Sore/dead arm tomorrow & looking forward to it! This trip is sneaking up on me, so I'm forced to stay on my game.

Spring is in full swing! Hip hip hooray. Here's to a great week! Recipe post & bed pictures to look forward to & a few other surprises.


  1. Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful woman.

    I totally agree with you about the Starbucks thing. I would totally give it up but it is so addictive.

  2. @Sunny

    Thanks dear! I hope you're having a great week. I hear you about the coffee! Try and hit up a local place once in a while so SB doesn't take over the world ;)


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