

My First Etsy Purchase

I know, I know. I'm such a rookie! All I know is that it won't--by any means--be my last. Here's the beauty right here courtesy of Cotton Lane:

I seriously got giddy when I saw the parcel & ran home from the mailbox because I was so thrilled. It's simple & elegant & so so great.

Caroline is the sweetest girl (alright so I've never met her in real life, but she is)! Her blog is darling & her Etsy store, wonderful.

If you've never checked her stuff out, please do. I know I will be a frequent flyer at her store! My sister now wants one of these necklaces in mustard.

24 days and counting until I leave to Peru, hit the gym this morning, and coffee with a friend planned tonight means I am a happy clam!

Have a GREAT day.

Oh, PS (this is a big PS), Caroline is hosting a giveaway for her blogiversary (YAY!). Hit up her blog here to find all the great ways you can enter! Good luck! Not to mention a rockin' discount code. Umm hello mustard necklace coming my way! :)


  1. Great purchase. It is very pretty. Going to Peru sounds so exciting.

  2. It looks sooooo cute on you!! :) xoxo

  3. Oh wow, I would SO love to go to Peru, I hope you'll have a lot of fun there! The necklace looks great on you :)

  4. you are too cute! miss you babe! I'm so excited to hear all of your peru adventures.


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