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Life is pretty busy around here. Just finished up a week of dog-sitting for a little prince (aka a golden retriever named Dixon). I've been hunting for apartments and signed a lease on Saturday for a cute little studio in downtown Denver! I move in the 1st of October. I have a medical school interview on Saturday (pray for me!). & I'm getting ready for my first ever craft fair in December (more updates to come). Whew, that's enough to keep me busy!  But not too busy for a little crafting. Here's a quick little up-cycle craft project that involved some old frames and a few coats of spray paint. Love it. Moving updates soon.

Can't wait to display these in the new apartment. Lovely print from Naptime Diaries & paint mosaic project found here.

Mr. Dixon.
Playing around with some ISO.
A certain little man chewed one shoe to smithereens. The other, only a nibble. Luckily these were only $7.50
Took a jog in Justin Bieber's Griffin's hoodie.
Biggest Loser starts tonight! YAY.
Happy Tuesday.

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