

La Semana Santa: The Holiest of Weeks

Yesterday, Palm Sunday, began Holy Week. I wanted to post some helpful references and tips on how to make it a truly holy Holy Week and exactly what this week leading up to Easter is all about.

Palm Sunday
Daily readings for Monday of Holy Week
Daily readings for Tuesday of Holy Week
Daily readings for Wednesday of Holy Week
Daily readings for Holy Thursday, information about Holy Thursday
Daily readings for Good Friday of the Lord's Passion, information about Good Friday
Holy Saturday
Easter Sunday, information on Easter Sunday

Having a Blessed Holy Week, a reflection by Archbishop Dolan of New York
A site full of helpful reflections & resources

It's a beautiful time in the Church to reflect on the sacrifice & love that Jesus had for every one of us.

My alarm buzzed at 04:32 this morning & every bone in my body wanted to go back to sleep. I almost did until I thought about Jesus's sacrifice, all the more relevant this week. One more hour of sleep or feeding the flock at a local homeless shelter? Luckily, God gave me the grace to plant my feet on the floor & get moving. Made it downtown just a little late at 05:35 to help serve some of society's most neglected. It reminded me of what we celebrate this week, most especially of Holy Thursday where Jesus washes the disciples feet: "If I, therefore, the master and teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash one another’s feet" John 13:14. An outpouring of love. I experienced it today, and I hope you will experience it as well when you consider the sacrifice of the cross this week.

Have a blessed & holy Holy Week!


  1. great post!

    thanks for those resources!

    and thanks for stopping by blog!

  2. I'm rather impressed with your commitment to get up that early to bless others. Great blog you have over here and good luck with getting into school!


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