

Feel Like Running? & Book Club Love

The BolderBoulder was the first 10K I ever ran. In fact, the BB was the first race I ever ran. Period. I spontaneously signed up one year and trained a total of four days... (not recommended, that's why this post is coming to you 38 days before the race). I keep coming back every year. It's wonderful. So Denverites/Coloradoans/Boulderites/people who love to run and will be in the neighborhood, join me will you?

Let's get fit & get ready! I return from Peru the night before the race... so this year it's going to be interesting to say the least. Register here.

In other random news, book club was a lot of fun. No recipe post today because we were crunched for time and I barely had time to snap any pictures before the group arrived.

A great dialogue with great friends. It was a lovely evening. Strawberry goat cheese salad, chicken with tomatoes, garlic mashed potatoes. Homemade pecan sandies, vanilla ice cream and praline sauce for dessert. Yum. The next book we're tackling is Let's Take the Long Road Home by Gail Caldwell. I'm also putting on my list of books to read: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. The movie debuts in theatres tomorrow.

Holy Thursday and a rainy one here in the Mile-High city. Sipping on some fresh pressed coffee with almond syrup. Great day.


Got anything to say? I'd love to hear from you!