

The Little Things Are The Big Things

Linking up for the first edition of the Little Things linkup party with Lindsay from Aisle to Aloha today (& I'm so excited about it). I really like to enjoy the simple things & a catch phrase I often us is "(noun) is a joy of life!" 

Here are the Little Things I enjoyed this week:

The US Open. Roddick v. Nadal! I don't know who to root for. Gotta LOVE tennis, though.

Manicure/pedicure. I feel good when my nails are shiny, clean, and colorful. And I always feel a bit more feisty for some reason...

My loving boyfriend. His birthday was yesterday & he is just so wonderful. Drove me to the ER on Tuesday and kept me calm. He is just so so so loving.

Cooking/baking & chocolate chip cookies. Especially these ones I made from this delectable recipe.

Acqua di Gioia. I LOVE this smell. It makes me feel happy when I spritz myself a few times.
Lists. They keep me going (& focused).

Keep enjoying life. Happy Friday. Come join the fun!
Aisle to Aloha


  1. Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I LOVE that nail polish color - I have some just like it!! Also, your shop is adorable! Love the leaf earrings!! Nice to meet you ;-)

  2. Hmm I can smell the smell of baked cookies all the way here haha. I agree with you I love cute nail polish, I usually paint mine light pink and it instantly bring a smile to my face. I enjoyed reading your entry Nicole :)

  3. This is a great list! You are so cute too! I love the manicure and I want those cookies!! They look so yummy! And cute picture of your boyfriend dancing! haha

  4. Those cookies look delicious :) Love the color of your nails also! Stopping by from It's the little things From the aisles to aloha!!

  5. Hopping over from Lindsay's link up (and can be found at Seek Ye First)! Love the color on your nails! Just super peppy! I can't wait to see more of your little things!

  6. I love that colour nail polish, and those cookies look delicious! (I might have to make some!) I also love the "Embrace Chaos" quote! So true, how much less stressed would we be if we did that more often! Thanks for sharing those little things! =)

  7. Um, those cookies look delish. Wish you could be my running buddy too! And love the "Embrace Caos".


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