

Scrap-buster Fabric Canvas Art: DIY

I got this inspiration after a trip to Fancy Tiger and saw some canvases hanging on the wall with fabric scraps as the main focal point. Seeing as how I have loads of fabric scraps, this was the perfect project.

Here's the how-to:

12 x 15.5 canvas, fabric scraps, scissors, fine point Sharpie, 3M spray adhesive, ruler, pencil

To start, draw diagonals. I made mine fairly small at first & decided it would look too busy, so I erased and made them a bit bigger. Ultimately, I made 40 full diamonds with five half diamonds running along the side and the top (see picture).

Next, cut out just slightly smaller diamonds from your fabric scraps. Cut a few extra in case you don't like a few after laying them out. I ended up using 40 different fabrics!

Now trace over your pencil lines with a fine tipped Sharpie. I wanted my lines to show up but not be too bold.

Now spray a thin layer of adhesive to the canvas (this stuff works so well!) And just start placing the scraps on in whatever order you like! Here's my finished project.

Wouldn't this look so great ombre? (if you had enough different fabrics of the same color) Enjoy! 

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