

Happy Birthday, Chels!

My home girl turns 24 today, holla!

Happy birthday, Chelsea! I have so many memories from a friendship that spans almost 15 years.

In middle school you wrote in my yearbook "I am the clown who came to town & signed your yearbook upside down." It really ticked me off. You sealed our fate, because after a journalism class freshman year, yearbook became one of our most famous high school adventures.

We traveled to Spain together and both fell in love with EspaƱol. We laughed at a hand drawn butt-crack in Spanish class so hard that I blacked out and we almost got kicked out. We watched an entire Spiderman movie with someone's bluetooth glaring its blue light at us. We rode a bus to Minnesota for summer camp. We faked a nose injury to get free ice at Sonic. We were two of twenty people at the Rockies game to wear 'staches on mustache night...

Your birthdays are epic memories in my book of life (see Nicole in a Spongebob poncho circa 16 with Princess Leia buns...) and I'm stoked for this year. A year for more memories, more smiles, & much more of that contagious laugh!

Happy birthday, love! Thanks for being such a great friend.

Happy happy birthday, dear friend! You are 24!

1 comment:

  1. Love love love. I LOVE you.

    And, apparently...tie dye. Ha!


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