

The Gift that Keeps Giving All Year Long! (Clark)

Teaming up on gifts this year, G & I were stumped when it came time to pick out gifts for my dad. Besides his family and friends, he loves three things: stocks, football, and Hunter. 

Stocks, well, we can't afford a share of Apple... sooo kind of out of the question.
Football, did I mention he's a Colt fan? WORST record in the league... yeah....
Hunter, hmm there's an idea. In years past my dad has received framed pictures, but we thought... hey, a calendar keeps giving all year long! 

So, calendar it was.

Here are a few snippets. I used winkflash again, because I was very impressed with their quality & affordability. & they had a 40% off special going (still running until December 26th), score!

Also, we were a little late in the game on this gift, so it won't be ready until the 27th. Here's what he's getting as a consolation prize. It's a bit of a family inside joke, based on this post (which although serious and sad, makes me almost pee my pants every time... cat was found; all is well that ends well).

This little gem will be July:

The quote says: "A dog doesn't care if you're rich or poor, big or small, young or old. He doesn't care if you're not smart, not popular, not a good joke-teller, not the best athlete, nor the best-looking person. To your dog, you are the greatest, the smartest, the nicest human being who was ever born. You are his friend and his protector." -Louis Sabin

& this one will be December:

Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas! Any fun Christmas gifts you're giving?

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