

Craft Fair Recap

Groggy & snowy, getting ready to head to the fair
Vintage sheet + black table cloth from Good Will. The table before...
And after... not too shabby for my first attempt!

Action shot!
My sweet sleeping pup & the bed that I made him (a bit furry).

Happy Thursday!

I was nervous going into this experience, but it was a risk well taken. I learned a lot about growing a hand-made business, and hope to implement these in the coming days and beyond.


  1. Your table looks great! The vintage tablecloth was a great idea :)

  2. Oh, pretty! I'm glad it went well for you. :)

    P.S. Got my giveaway package yesterday & I LOVE it all! Thanks so much! <3

  3. oh my gosh!! sooo soo cute! i love your setup!! :)


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