

Mid-Week Inspiration

Hard to believe it's already Wednesday & the last day of August! But don't worry, September has so much potential! One of my most favorite months, for sure (& the start of a new season... fall, anyone?).

Next on my "To Craft" list (aside from some new merch for the shop) is a mail organizer. I currently have two boxes full of mail from my lovely correspondences in college & the rest is overflowing in a reusable bag (not so cute). Here's one inspiration I might use to store some of these precious keepsakes:


Met up with one of my best friends on Monday. I visited her classroom (she's a 1st grade teacher) and we went out to eat at Falafel King. She gave me this for my birthday. It's been on my favorites list on Etsy for a while now! It's so beautiful. When I opened it I almost cried it's so lovely. The Wheatfield is also on my favorite shops list.

If you need a great & simple recipe, here's one for you. I tried this last night. Griff & I loved it. It was so simple & took only about 30 minutes from scratch to bowl! I love this website! It tasted more like a Mexican macaroni; just delicious.

I finished my digital scrapbook for Peru & it's currently in the "printing" status, but as soon as it arrives I'll give you a review of winkflash's quality. I certainly saved a heck of a lot of money ($114 to be exact) using a coupon code I found online (score). I loved how simple it was to make the book. Mine turned out to be 96 pages! Here are a few pages:

Have a great Wednesday, everyone. Be where you are.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog! Your blog is so colorful and pretty. It looks like you are gifted at a great many things! So creative! :)


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