

Saturday Snapshots: Peru

Saturday Snapshot is a perfect opportunity to share with you some more pictures (after all, I couldn't choose just one) from my adventures in Peru.
Oh, the beauty of Machu Picchu.

Can you believe it? A Robin egg blue VW bug (aka my dream car), and I match!
Dressed like local Peruvians on a floating isle at Lake Titicaca.

Taking in the sunset.
Twilight hour! Sunset hike at Lake Titicaca.
Humble lodgings with our host family at Lake Titicaca. We're enjoying a typical Peruvian Lunch.

Dined on local fare; yes, that includes guinea pig (cuy).
Peru: home to the world's best iced coffee, in my humble opinion of course.

That is an alpaca steak. YUM.
Homemade chocolate tea at El Choco Museo.
Join the Saturday Snapshot fun here:
yellow songbird


  1. Peru is definitely on my travel destination wishlist! Looks like it was a blast :)

  2. bah!! my dream car too. consider my heart melted.

    thanks for linking up!

    ((ps I MUST go to Peru!))


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