

Back, Stateside

Back to North America for me. I got sick on the way home and had about 30 hours of travel time with layovers, so by the end of a very long journey it was very refreshing to see the family, get a good dinner, and sleep in my own bed. Had to miss the beloved BolderBoulder, tear. On the road to recovery now. Peru was fantastic, to say the least.

It's amazing how much one's heart can change given a bit of time, a brand new place, and some really awesome people. I learned lessons in the most peculiar of places: at restaurants, in hallways, on dark busses, on the top of a boat.

I can't wrap my mind around how truly beautiful it is to feel so sad to leave a place that I was so terribly afraid to enter, to leave life-long friends who one month prior were merely strangers, and to be moved to tears when recalling how wonderfully sweet the memories are.
In other news, it's back to work & back to reality. I'm still wait-listed at two medical schools & I'm hoping, praying, crossing fingers and toes. I get to see Griffin in FIVE DAYS after a six month separation (our longest stretch yet). Colorado is lovely. It seems like I missed the perfect month of tumultuous weather. It's green & gorgeous (occasionally very windy too) here.Tie dye Friday is on the schedule (look forward to pictures & updates), and I'm going to see Deepak Chopra at the Tattered Cover tonight. Here's to a good, solid week!

1 comment:

  1. Soo beautiful! You're so lucky that you got to visit such an amazing place. I hope you get good news from the schools you applied to. It's always so grueling waiting for schools to contact you..


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