

Four Favorites Friday: 04.01.11

Happy April Fool's Day, folks!

Did anyone get a prank pulled on them? I have quite a few great April Fool's stories. One of the funniest pranks was a few years ago when my cousin put my sister's car up for sale on Craigslist. By the end of the work day, my sister had about 40 missed calls and voice messages expressing interest in her car! The same year my cousin used her friend as a contact for "free pregnancy bellies." You'd be surprised how many moms & high school abstinent programs called her wanting free bellies!

Anyway, here are some of my favorites of the week:

1. April in general. It's the seasonal shift where there's more daylight, more sunshine, and beautiful plants budding. I love the rain & I love tulips (possibly my favorite flower). It's a new month & in spring, a new beginning. Let's make it great.

2. Much Love, Illy's new bow! It's so lovely. I hope she sells these things! I know I'd buy one or four. I might try to replicate this over the weekend. Also her blog is so fantastic, along with her Etsy store. Go show her some love.

3. This recipe for meatballs. Not so meatless, but hey, I'll make them tomorrow! Stumbled on Celebrate Life With Us's blog this week after she was featured on Caroline's wonderful blog (more about that later) and I love it! Newest follower!

4. This detailed and fun pillow tutorial from The Pleated Poppy. I might just have to do this with one of the tea towels I bought in Paris.


Go have some adventures!



  1. friend, you're going to thank me a million times for the meatball recipe.... I promise ;)

  2. The pregnancy bellies thing is hilarious!

    In celebration of our blog's birthday we are hosting an amazing giveaway. Stop by and enter.

  3. thanks for including me on your list!


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