

Four Favorites Friday: 03.18.11

Happy Friday all! Here are some great things to sum up the week.

1. This site. You can create random word collages by just typing or pasting a bunch of words. The more times a word appears, the larger it becomes in the collage. This might be fun to do for a loved one or something. It's completely free! If you don't like the design it creates, just click "randomize" for a different one.

2. This coffee press. I got it on sale for a mere $20 (originally $40, but on sale on the website). My tried and true method for making the best cup of coffee is Alton Brown's found here.

3. This recipe via The Hungry Birdie. Meatless, again. Can you imagine the delectable aroma as you cook this up? Garlic, mushrooms, and scallions--oh my!

4. The Mumford & Sons Pandora station. Try it!

Happy weekend friends! I'm going to a craft fair tomorrow, but nothing else too exciting planned.

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