

Four Favorites Friday: 03.11.2011

MEATLESS edition... not like the other favorites were overflowing with meatness, but it's the first Friday of Lent, which means no meat! You can read up more on this tradition & Lent here.

1. Thought we'd start of with a nice, comforting, albiet meatless recipe. Macaroni & Cheese. Doesn't that just look delightful?! What's your favorite thing to add to your Mac? I love adding mustard &/or Sriracha sauce (& fresh pepper, of course).

2. Michelle Au authors a hilarious blog full of real life & adventure. She has a book coming out that I am so excited about. If you know anyone (or if you yourself are) in medicine, her comics will make you laugh. Her book is called This Won't Hurt a Bit and if it's anything like her blog, it's sure to be great! You can preorder on Amazon & B&N (I don't suggest Border's... all the ones in my neck of the woods are going out of business).

3. Yogurtland. I do believe this falls under the "sweets" category, which I gave up for Lent, but I still thought I'd share this magical place with you. I went here last Sunday & got 13 ounces of yumminess. Red Velvet Cupcake Batter with Kit-Kat, gummy bears, Reese's, etc. So delicious. I love Pinkberry, but this place is so much more affordable. Only 30 cents per ounce! Not to mention I get a boost of self-esteem while being there. I mean their motto is "you rule." So true! Hopefully your state falls on the list of locations!

 4. I'm working on making Hunter (my pup) a dog bed using this idea I orginally found through Sew, Mama, Sew! It's a great way to use up some (many) scraps. I'll certainly post pictures when I'm all finished. I got 2 yds of Blizzard Fleece from Joann's for $8 using a coupon. Great deal!

PS-I made those Oatmeal Cream Pies from last week & oh dear... they were absolutely scrumptious!

It's the WEEKEND!

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