

Four Favorites Friday 03.04.2011

It's that beautiful time of the week again: FRIDAY.

1. Girl Scout Cookie time! I bought five boxes & plan to devour them very slowly & in moderation... hopefully.

2. This nail polish. It's Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure & it works fabulously. I like putting a top coat over it, but this nail polish has lasted me an entire week without chips. I think that's pretty impressive. I have about six different colors in this nail polish & acquired this one on my most recent trip to Target where I saw even more hues. Next on my list is So Much Fawn & Gilty Pleasure.  Need to spice up your nails? Steph's Closet has some great ideas!

3. The Colgate Wisp. Although they aren't best friends with the environment, these are so handy. I used them on the plane to and from Paris. They're great for traveling, guest bathrooms, or to stick in your purse for a quick brush after a dinner date or something. I found these on Woot & managed to get 96 for $14.99 with shipping! Gotta love the Woot!

4. Oh my goodness. I started drooling (literally) when I saw this post at Bakingdom. Truly scrumptious. I must try this recipe. Who didn't love oatmeal cream pies as kids?!

One lesson I learned this week: Never, never, never give up.

Have a great weekend! I'm headed to AZ for a wedding. Any fun plans?

1 comment:

  1. Ohmygod I WANT that Sally Hansen nail polish! I've been in love with that colour for years! Ok maybe not years, days.


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