

Tea Cozy/Sleeve Tutorial

Frequent the local coffee shop? I do. Instead of using one of their coffee cozies (my name for the thing they put on so you don’t scald your hand), why not make your own!
According to the dictionary (definition number five under “cozy”), a cozy is: a padded covering for a teapot, chocolate pot, etc., to retain the heat. This will work for the thing that prevents burning of the hand too, I suppose. These make great gifts! Once you’ve made one of these puppies you officially have permission to hit up the local tea/coffee shop, and snuggle up to a piping hot cup of love (that will not burn your hand). I recommend an almond latté or a London Fog latté (which is Earl Grey tea, vanilla, and steamed milk… i.e. heavenly... or make your own). Don't drink caffeine? These work well for Crystal Cappuccinos (as my favorite Sisters call it) also (i.e. hot water). It’s still cold outside, so these are perfect, but don’t worry coffee and tea are good no matter the weather.
You will need:
2 pieces of fabric (you can use the same print or two different)
Sewing machine
Cotton batting
Velcro/elastic/button (whichever you prefer; I love that vermilion button)

To make a hand warmer thingy, I based mine off of one that coffee shops actually use (i.e. I saved one from a previous drink). I placed the unfolded cardboard on some fabric and traced around it as a template. I then cut out this fabric & used it as a guide to cut out the interfacing, batting and fabric. I used one piece of interfacing ironed to my Robin Egg Blue fabric, cream fabric, and one piece of cotton batting. [I'm sure this would work with two pieces of interfacing and two fabrics, but I thought a little extra cushiness & fabric would put more layers between your hand and the hot cup. Your choice! I am going to try one without the batting.]
After cutting, iron interfacing onto fabric according to the directions on the package.
Layer the cozy with cream colored fabric, elastic loop side in, top fabric pattern side down, and on top batting [optional].
Sew around three edges (including the one with elastic).
Turn right side out using the open side.
Top stitch around. The loop should be sticking out of one of the sides now. Hand sew the button onto the top side of the fabric (the edge without the loop). Now attach to a cup & grab some Joe!
Here's how mine turned out:

This looks about as delicious as a cup of coffee! Enjoy!

mmm button

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