

Wine & Cheese Party: Golden Birthday Style

Did you ever celebrate your golden birthday?  Mine was when I was nine, and while it was magical I didn't have as many years anticipating it as my sister did whose date was on the 27th. Needless to say, we had to do it big! So we threw a wine & cheese party mixed with pink & gold. It was so much fun!

Here's a link to the chalkboard contact paper we used: via Amazon. We didn't stick it--just taped it to the table & we have been able to reuse it a lot. The chalk actually shows up nicely.

The spread! Pretty cream & pink roses, veggie tray, cherry chip cupcakes, etc. Those goat cheese balls left me speechless! Recipe found here: The Kitchn.

Gold & pink in perfect harmony!

Brent got all creative & made this menu to set at the table for our reference. We also filled extra wine glasses with old corks to add to the ambiance.

Such a success that some of Cass's friends say it was the "most fun party ever!" Parties are so fun to plan!

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