

Recent Reads

Oh how I love the library. Oh how I love books! One of the items on my Denver/Summer 2012 list is to "sun tan at a park with a book." With our monthly book club meeting tonight, I figured I'd make this post book themed.

Have I told you about goodreads before? Well, I pretty much love that site. I joined a group called "Coffee & Books" because well I am a lover of both! I was tired of looking at the best seller lists to pick my next read, and this group has a list of books for the month. Some are oldies (The Bell Jar), and some have become my newest favorites (Atonement, The Perks of Being a Wallflower).

My 2012 Challenge is to read 45 books. I'm 18 books in & on track to meet my goal!

Here's what I've been reading:
Current reads:
Anticipated next read (hoping this becomes available at the library soon):
Bibliophile? Summer reader? Come join me!
Read any good ones lately?

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