

New Year's in New York City

Spending New Year's in New York City was beyond amazing. The hustle and bustle of the city and the fresh promise of a new year.

Late Thursday we reunited. Lauren, Annie, Rikesh, Emily & me. I love that in just a matter of weeks we became so close that even after seven months, we picked right back up where we left off.

We started out with a late dinner at a Mexican restaurant just a block away from Em's. If you want food at your fingertips, think NYC. Mexican at 11pm? Boom. One block.

Waking up to this view was incredible. I relished in the crisp, cool air that pooled into the window and the constant hum of yellow cabs and traveling people.

We once again became aware of our differences and celebrated them. 

Intoxicated by the smell alone, we devoured the world's best and biggest cookie. It. Was. Heavenly.

Made a quick stop by Rockefeller Plaza to see this beauty. What a spectacle! I cannot believe I saw it in person! Twinkling and humongous. 

Having Emily as an insider was so fun. I've been to NYC a few times but had never been to High Line Park. Quaint and refreshing. It's a railroad track turned park raised slightly above the city. The views were simply remarkable.

We enjoyed our roles as tourists and snapped quite a few pictures to savor the memories and moods of the trip.

We were even graced with great lighting (AKA Twilight Hour).

Chelsea Market was also one of my favorite gems. I got a dainty little bracelet at an indie fair taking place. So magical.

Ate my first Macaron (how do you pronounce this word? Is it macaroon? I always get confused), and quite enjoyed it.

The City that Never Sleeps rises to the occasion come nightfall. 

My friends are models, didn't you know.

Enjoying a delicious dinner at a restaurant in Little Italy. Immortalized La Florida 2012 by carving it into the table.

Hit up Ferrara, America's first espresso bar (hence the napkin). So. Good.

Espresso afogatto, oh my heart.

We had so much fun taking these timer pictures. I slightly feel like we are in a Macy's ad.

Freedom Tower

Said goodbye to this fun adventure and my beautiful friends. The sunset lit up the buildings in the gentlest of fashions creating an even more lovely last view.

2011 ended with a bang and it was such an overwhelmingly great year that I only hope 2012 will be too. I'm learning that life is what you make of it and it's an occasion you must rise to. An adventure lies behind every corner, and sometimes you've got to go find it. Thank you New York for my first adventure of the year. Thousands more to come. That's what I'm looking forward to. Boom.


  1. Great pictures of you and your friends in the city! You were so lucky as the weather could not have been better.


  2. Ah so fun, looks like you had a much more New York-ish New Years than I did there haha! I did make it to Laduree though, didn't you love those macarons??

  3. That looks incredible. I've been wanting to try french macarons- so pretty! And the first espresso bar? Too fun!

  4. Looks like such a neat trip! So glad you had fun. And now I want to go to that espresso bar! ;)

  5. Ohh, I am so jealous of you right now. It is a dream of mine to go to NYC around the holidays! Looks like it was an awesome trip :)


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