

Cold Hands Warm Heart Swap 2011

I was so excited to be a part of this year's Cold Hands, Warm Hearts. 
I was paired with the lovely Jacky from The Sweetest Petunia (love her!). 

Opening & getting so excited at the goodies peeking out.

She even included a special recipe! So sweet.

Luscious red nail polish & two softlips chapsticks! Lucky me! The gloves are so warm and comfortable.

I'd have to say that the homemade scarf is my favorite. It is so cozy & perfect for this chilly weather (not to mention customized with two of my favorite colors)!

And I'll leave you with this awkward precious gem. Keep Love in Christmas!

Thanks to Ilene & Sandy for hosting! Stop by & give them some love.

With cold warm hands, an open heart & new bangs,


  1. Aw, I'm so glad you love it all! You look adorable in the scarf. :) Enjoy all the goodies!

  2. what a fun package :) love the gloves and scarf! perfect for winter in the west!

  3. You are so cute. I LOVE the bangs. and your awkward pics. :)

  4. LOVE the gloves and the cowl!! they are soo perfect for winter!! thanks for participating in the swap, friend! xo

  5. So pretty! That scarf looks super cozy!

  6. really cute! Awesome tea as well!

  7. Such a lovely package! I love all your sweet gifts! I was completely obsessed with Soft lips when I was in high school. Loved the stuff. What a fun swap!

  8. I took part in the swap too! Loving your gifts and your blog is super fun!


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