

Christmas 2011 Recap

Christmas this year was so great; one of the best. Spent at home in the company of pups and family. 
We attended midnight Mass, which was so spectacular. Truly a marvel to welcome the Christ child in the cold and dark wee hours of the morning.

It was a white Christmas after all. No new snow, but plenty on the ground to keep it white.

Hunter & his buddy, Amos, enjoyed spending three solid days together. They donned their gay apparel for the special day.

As you can tell by that expression, the Hunter calendar was a hit! A great surprise, because we didn't think it would arrive in time!

One of Hunter's presents was a stuffed Woodstock who was chewed apart within minutes. Typical. 

A few of my favorite gifts:
Antique spools bought & used by my great-grandmother, Alma. Gifted to me by my grandmother. So sentimental and wonderful.
Stove-top espresso maker (which I've already used twice) from Grandma.
Ski helmet from my mom Santa (much needed)

New moccasins from the sister
My favorite gift of all was being able to spend time with the family. It was so nice and refreshing. We played games, watched movies, played in the snow, cuddled up, sipped some warm beverages, ate fudge, baked, and more. I even came away the Christmas Eve poker winner! YES.

Merry Christmas season (it's still going, folks)!

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