

Advent Action

It's quite snowy here. I walked to work today & the snow was blowing directly in my face. I got tears in my eyes looking at the fresh white snow. Thankful that it is here. Thankful that it is December. Thankful that we're waiting in joyful anticipation of the coming of the Lord. A beautiful moment.

Just a quick post. Getting into the Advent & Christmas spirit! 

A few years ago, a dear friend gave me this book:

I've used it every year. I read it sometimes by myself, sometimes with my family, and often with Griff. I love it. It's a great way to stay centered during this busy season. You can buy the book on Amazon, found here.

There are daily readings & meditations for all the days in the Advent & Christmas season. Here are some snippets from today:

God Seeks Us
"God, I often feel lost in this world. There are many messages bombarding me, telling me which way to go. In my restlessness, I know that I long for something more than what this world has to offer. Thankfully, I do not have to find my way through all these conflicting messages on my own. out of your great love for me, you have sent your Son to find me amid the confusion of this world. I pray in a special way today that Jesus will take me by the hand and lead me to a life beyond anything that the world has to offer: life in you."

Advent Action:
"What barriers in your life are you erecting to prevent God from finding you this Advent season? Are you keeping too busy? Are you caught up in the materialism of this season? Are you burdened by worry and anxiety? Is there some activity in which you are involved that is keeping a distance between you and God? Tear down at least one barrier that you have put up between yourself and God."

My action:
Prayer before I go to bed is one of my favorite times to talk to God and grow in him. Sometimes I am overcome with sleepiness and drift off to the land of Nod before finishing my petitions, but overall it is a great time for prayer. Lately, however, I've turned on an episode of Frasier or How I Met Your Mother & have drifted to sleep with these comedies playing in the background, putting my prayer off entirely. This is one barrier that is keeping me from God. I will tear it down starting tonight & use that time to reflect and pray. Back to the basics.

Have a great day.

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