

Hello, friends!

'Twas a week filled with joyful memories of my weekend in Omaha. Reminiscing with college friends is therapy for any aching soul! We had so much fun. I took a grand total of 12 pictures because (brilliant me) brought the camera with a dead battery & no charger. Hoops. 

You'll see those pictures soon & get a proper update in time. I am headed to the mountains this weekend, out of town again. Next weekend I head to Philadelphia & then it's Thanksgiving. Busy times around here! 

Not to mention, I'm crafting my bones out getting ready for a craft fair! Let me know if you have any tips or advice for this little novice!

Have you seen my mottos? I went to the grand opening of H&M in Denver yesterday with my sister & this rule was broken by far too many chickadees out there. Ladies, as if our men weren't tempted enough... please just wear some pantaloons! Thanks!

I'll leave you with a picture of the Cathedral Basilica from this morning. I tried to go to confession at 6:30am & I was booted because Father had to get ready for mass. That's life, though! Note to self: be punctual!
Unedited & with a wee cell phone camera. Yep, it looks that good with a bad camera.

Have a fruitful weekend,

1 comment:

  1. hi nicole! just found you through the grapevine... first i agree- how are people even comfortable wearing just leggings and nothing else?! also, its nice to find another catholic girl out there blogging. i couldn't find your GFC followers widget so i cant follow but i hope to stay in touch. ill be checking in. come visit me over at :)


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