

Be Kind to Yourself

Well that was an unexpectedly long hiatus! Hello friends! I am back. My interview was mediocre (a very dull faculty member interviewed me), but that's okay. I have a different interview two days before Thanksgiving & this time I'm off to Philadelphia! Omaha was superb (I LOVE THIS CITY). Visited a great friend, went on adventures for coffee & old books. I am so thankful for wonderful friends like Hilary. We might not see each other for long stretches of time, but we pick up right where we left off,  & that is something so precious.

The beautiful memories & aromas of my favorite coffee joint, Aroma's.
Hilary in a loved ugly chair.
Princess Tari herself on a beautiful quilt.

Hilary's picturesque notes. I thought it was so endearing that she spilled coffee on them. Love it.

Ahh, the psychology section. Smiles.

AND I've been in the process of moving. YAY. Here is the MAJOR work in progress apartment. It's a studio, so these pictures are of my room, living room, craft room & office, all wrapped up in a cute little package. More updates & pictures to come.

The office, rocking some high speed Internet courtesy of CenturyLink.
The proverbial color-coded closet. More organization to come!
And the area that needs the most love & attention: my crafting area. So much potential!
More unpacking and organizing (+ more trips to IKEA) in the forecast, along with some fun fall activities (like going on a walk in snazzy boots with hot apple cider in hand to look at the fall leaves and crunch the fallen beauties as you walk).

 Love to you all!


  1. PHILLY ?? YAY!! there are adventures coming your way I can feel it.

  2. looks like a great time! You have a very blog!!! I love the pink rain boots I spotted in the closet :)


  3. So glad you had a fun time ;) And good luck moving - it's such a chore but feels so good when it's all over with!


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