

I'm trying really hard not to rush things along...

but.... I am very excited for fall & winter. See, the leaves change here in Colorado, they do, but you've got about a week window of green to yellow to gone & then it's over, quick as it came. A very ephemeral change yet so beautiful.
As a child, summer was my favorite season, but as I've grown autumn seems to move my heart just a bit more. Riding my one gear-back pedal brakes-bike to classes at Creighton, feeling the cool breeze on my face, becoming reacquainted with my backpack again, hearing the wind rustle the crunchy leaves, smelling cinnamon and pumpkin baking in the oven... oh my goodness, I love fall.

I went to Powder Daze on Monday and perused the ski coats, goggles, socks, etc., which made me so excited for winter & ski season, but again I'm trying not to rush things along (be where you are!). I did buy new ski pants & a ski coat yesterday though...

So, I will keep enjoying summer for the two weeks it remains so. Drinking iced coffee, going on evening walks, wearing shorts & tanks, eating watermelon, going to baseball games, eating frozen yogurt, and soaking up the sun (because there is just sew much sunshine!).
PS- I was going to do a "What I Wore Wednesday" post, but I went to the emergency room last night & the plan got halted. Nothing serious & yes, I'm fine. See, I'm allergic to dogs... & I love dogs & I own a dog. Occasionally my eyes get itchy from said allergy & I rub my eyes. Apparently yesterday I rubbed them too vigorously (Griff told me to stop & go wash my hands, but I kept itching and rubbing my eye...). I finally looked in the mirror and washed my eye out. It looked like my sclera or lens had detached and that the white part of my eye was swelling and overlapping the iris. I then couldn't see for a second and got really freaked out, so off to the ER we went. No wait time (thank you, Centennial) & great doctor. She dyed my eye orange and looked at it under a fluorescent light (aka black light) and it glowed neon yellow. She even gave me a mirror so I could see. I'm not blind & my eye is healing. Doin' fine! Thank goodness for that.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Florida doesn't really have seasons like that, but I am so looking forward to the cooler weather! It takes a while for it to cool down here, though... :(

    P.S. Glad you're eye is doing okay - sounds kinda scary!


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