

Happy 70th Martha!

Today is Martha Stewart's 70th birthday (love her). So, in honor of this huge milestone for Martha, I am sharing with you a few of my favorite projects from her website. The website is a generous resource for crafters of all stages & I have certainly found it helpful when I'm suffering from crafter's block!

Simple Sewing Machine Cover

Crafter's Apron

Pretty Plastic Bag Organizer

Patterned Circle Tote

 Happy birthday Martha!
PS- So sorry I've been MIA lately. Lotsa busyness filling my time (helping Griff move, sister's birthday, dad's birthday, reading, applying, etc). Look forward to a delicious recipe & a simple but dynamic tutorial coming in the next week. Happy August everyone (my birthday month... which may just mean another coupon code for Belleview Place...).

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