

Care Package to Paris

Random weekend. Watched an indoor lacrosse game, shopped, got my eyebrows threaded (first time!) & hoped to go the the Rockies with the fam, but after a record high of 83 on Saturday, the game was postponed due to rain/snow on Sunday! Oooh Colorado weather.

Lots of fun planned this week. I'm sending a care package to PJ in Paris including some great goodies & three crafts from the tutorials I've shared with you all.

After seeing my sister's and my eye masks, he desperately wanted one. I used a fabric called "Boys Will be Boys" that I thought was fitting! Tutorial found here.

The coffee cozy is not something he'll need much in Paris (very few take-out coffee places and very few cardboard cups), but it will be fun when he returns to cardboard-coffee-centric America. How-to here.

Personalized luggage tag. These colors are bright, fun & ready to help identify his bag (& yes it actually does have his address on it in real life)! You can do it too here.

Also to be included, is some macadamia nut oil for his hair. He got hooked after using some of my sister's. Makes the hair very very soft.

I'm also still working on Hunter's bed, mentioned in this post. Haven't met Hunter? Let me introduce you!

Hunter, blog friends. Blog friends, Hunter.

He's a doofus and I love him so. We have no idea how old he is because he's a rescue dog from the Denver Dumb Friends League, but he's still got some puppy zest left in him. Also, the above picture is a rarity, most often he closes his eyes in pictures (doesn't do so well with a flash). Case in point:

HA! Anyway... Here are the scrappy strips that will make up the sides of his bed. They're as boyish as I could get them.

I've cut the fleece (lovely dark grey), just have to make the sides even & assemble! I'll update with pictures!

Happy Monday. It's APRIL! Jump for joy!

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