

Vera Bradley Inspired Glasses Case Tutorial

Here's the inspiration:

And here's how you can do it and save $15 or more:

1. Cut out a large rectangle of your top fabric, liner, interfacing, & cotton batting. The black fabric will be the outside and the white with black circles is the liner. Cut out a strip of corresponding fabric that is as long as your rectangle. I used a ribbon, and its edges were finished so it made it a bit easier.

2. Stack them together (order does not matter), and fold in half.

3. Cut along two corners to make a slight curve. You could do this on the top & bottom to make more rounded. I only did the top, but on my next one I'll round the top and bottom.

4. Layer your fabric with the batting on the bottom, inside fabric face up, top fabric face down. Pin & sew along edges, leaving a two-inch opening for turning.

5. Cut corners, turn & iron flat. It will look like a decorative slice of Texas Toast.

6. Here's where you can get creative. I decided to replicate the Vera Bradley case & sew diamonds. Using a fabric marker or chalk, mark lines down the fabric in a diagonal fashion & sew using a corresponding thread.

7. Pin right-side up to your top fabric, a couple inches down from the top. Sew along the two sides.

8. Pin bias tape along all sides & top stitch all the way around. You can make your own bias tape using the same fabric, or use the store-bought version.

9. Fold in half, making sure the curved edges meet and the bottom is even. Pin & sew around the bottom & the open side. Backstitch at the opening a few times to make it sturdier.

Now your're finished! Slip in some frames & you're good to go. Pat yourself on the back for being crafty & for saving some money!



  1. this is a great pattern; could you say what the cut measurements of the fabrics are?

  2. If you count the 1" grid squares I would guess 8 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches square!


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