

Four Favorites Friday

Four Favorites of the week Friday:
1. This recipe for fried goat cheese. So rich, so gorgeous, and teetering on sinful. I will make this recipe tonight. I will put it on top of a salad & dig in.

2. Working out with Beto. I've only done this in the comfort of my own living room. Not quite sure how I would fare at a live Zumba class. Ha!
3. Pushing Daisies. This lovely show was only on for 22 episodes before it got the boot. I love it & I know that it had a huge fan base. I ♥ Netflix because they have both seasons on instant stream & no commercials! (Only two episodes until I’m done watching the series… tres triste).

4. Savory Spice Shop. I bought some vanilla beans along with some delicious spices from this lovely place. I'm hoping to make my own vanilla extract using this idea. I'm excited!


One lesson I learned this week: don't hesitate going to the doctor when you feel sick.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recipe tip, I had to bookmark it immediately. I love goat cheese and this looks irresistible!


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